Un regroupement de start-up qui réussissentNos alumnis, après avoir réussi leur développement en France se sont exportés grâce aux accompagnements personnalisés que proposent Business France.
Notre rôle : vous transmettre leur expérience pour accélérer votre mise à l’échelle internationale.
Présentation des Alumnis
Nos programmes vous parlent ? Il parle également à tous nos anciens participants :
Having worked in export for many years, I have had the opportunity to regularly appreciate the professionalism and involvement of Business France teams around the world. For SMEs such as ours, it represents invaluable support to discover and prospect for new markets.
Business France India has helped us, thanks to their introductions and support, to develop our activity. They have enabled us to promote our expertise in an Indian market where we have now become a major player in the payment sector.
Business France opened doors for us which, even though we knew the market, would have never been able to open! Besides, Business France Team was so supportive that I actually felt they were part of my team for a while!
L’équipe Business France a été au top pour nous débusquer des opportunités en Inde. Réactivité, efficacité, professionnalisme, un partenaire précieux pour aborder cet immense marché et se confronter à cette nouvelle Culture.